NOAC-E HFFR 3G1,5/1,5 300/500 V
NOAC-E HFFR 3G1,5/1,5 300/500 V
The cable may be used indoors in environments that require an extra protection against electrical fields (E-fields), i.e. buildings where electro-hypersensitivity people lives and works. The cable has a restricted field of application. Other allowed applications; like S05Z1Z1-F.
Read more- Nexans ref. : 22710598-202-07
- EAN : 7330000139879
NationalSS 424 02 31-5
NOAC-E stands for Non-Allergenic Cable and is a halogen free, HFFR insulated, aluminium screened, HFFR sheathed connecting cable with circular, multi stranded, bare copper conductors. The cable is designed according to HD 21.5 in applicable parts. The cables with numbers of conductors 2-5 and cross sections 1,5-2,5 mm² are for installation in conduits and cables with numbers of conductors 3-5 and cross section 0,75-2,5 mm² is only for class 1 appliances. The conductors have resistance according to EN 60228 class 5. The cores are cabled together and identified by colours according to HD 308. Together with the cable body a Tinned Drain wire is added. The screen of aluminium is turned with the AL-side inwards. The sheath is marked "Nexans GS Z1Z1 Semko". NOAC-E meets the requirements for CPR Dca-s2d2a2. The cable is certified by INTERTEK.
Restricted field of application
For installation in conduits: 2-5 conductors, 1,5-2,5 mm². Installation according to national wiring regulations.
Flexible cords 3-5 conductors, 0,75-2,5 mm². Only for class 1 appliances.
Certified by SEMKO.
Flammability class
CPR Dcas2d2a2.
CENELEC HD 21.5 where applicable.
Quality system
Certified according to ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001.
Construction characteristics
Construction characteristics
Dimensional characteristics
Dimensional characteristics
Electrical characteristics
Electrical characteristics
Usage characteristics
Usage characteristics
Selling & delivery Information
NOAC-E is delivered in specified lengths. The package is marked with manufacturer, type of cable, length and manufacturing date.
Declaration of Performance
- Declaration of Performance n� : 1000801-SEGR
- Certification Date : 2/5/19
- AVCP (Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance) : System 3
- Notified body : 366
- Declared performance : Dca-s2,d2,a2
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